#BNAs2017 | #BritballLove Award Update

Following the announcement of many of our awards, and with the Video Submission Awards launching and opening for votes later this week, we’re going to need to share an update regarding our Britball Love category.

The #BritballLove Award is our ‘charity/commitment’ recognition award, that last year was won by the Warwick Wolves, in a closely fought public vote, contending with a couple of other teams.

The #BritballLove Award was intended as a loosely-framed award, so as to allow it to recognise a wide range of contributions to the game… But the reality is, after two years of submissions in this format, it’s pretty clear we did a poor job both describing the intent of the Award, and choosing its selection method.

From some of the nominations, it’s clear we haven’t done a good enough job describing the award. That’s on us, and we apologise. As such, were we to share worthy shortlisted candidates and open it up to a public vote, we’d end up in an awkward situation where we saw an event, versus a couple of individuals, versus an entire football programme… and we’re fairly certain there’s only one way that vote is going, given the weight of numbers involved.

As such, we’re going to have a little rethink about how this one can work moving forwards, and in the meantime, we’re going to reach out to the parties who we felt were most worthy of shortlisting for this Award, and see if we can’t, together, come up with a little fundraising number DC can lead on, in salute to the contributions these individuals/events/programmes have made to the British game! 

If there are any concerns/queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with DC’s Editor, Nick Wilson-Town at [email protected].




Nick 'Willy Tee' Wilson-Town hails from the South West where he's spent the last decade bouncing around various teams at the university and senior level. He came to fame on the now departed unofficial forum thanks to his regularly irreverent Uniball predictions and general 'BUAFL wafflage'. Follow him on twitter @WillyTee1

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