Important Message From BAFCA Re: Coaching Registration And Certificates

The British American Football Coaches Association have shared an important message for all British Coaches, emphasising the need to ensure a complete registration for all Association Members. 

If you’re a current member, odds are you’ll need to review whether you’ve uploaded your certificate and stated your qualification level in your membership registration. Coaches will have until 1 January to ensure their records are accurate and up to date.

Further, the important message includes a warning to all University teams that failure to ensure minimum Coaching requirements by 1 January 2019 would be reported to BUCS, with the potential to cause forfeited fixtures in the same way that fielding an ineligible player would. 

Per the BAFCA Facebook Page:

“Upon auditing the Go Member Registration System over the last few days it has come to our attention that on a positive note we have 570 coaches registered.

However, only 1/5 of these coaches have stated their qualification level on their membership. ALL Coaches must check their registrations and ensure that their qualification level completed on their registration.

Also, coaches must ensure that certificates pertaining to the qualification level are uploaded. For all Pre 2016 Level 1 and 2 coaches, this should also include your USA Football Youth Tackle Certification.

If qualification status and uploads are not completed by 1st January 2019 then we will presume that the coaches registered are unqualified and then will not be able to be on the sidelines come February.

If coaches do require a replacement certificate to upload, these can be obtained using the below link. Replacement certificates cost £5.50.

Also, there are a number of teams that have not registered the minimum required amount of three Level 1 coaches for the BUCS season. Russ is currently reviewing this and will be contacting AU’s and Teams to ensure that ALL teams have the required minimum number of Level 1 coaches.

Obviously, if this is not completed by to 1st Jan 2019 then teams will be reported to BUCS and this may affect further participation in the BUCS season.”





Nick 'Willy Tee' Wilson-Town hails from the South West where he's spent the last decade bouncing around various teams at the university and senior level. He came to fame on the now departed unofficial forum thanks to his regularly irreverent Uniball predictions and general 'BUAFL wafflage'. Follow him on twitter @WillyTee1

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